From the Pastor's Desk - Archive

August 1, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, “Sir, give us this bread always,” the people ask Jesus in the Gospel today. As we continue reading the Bread of Life discourse in the 6th chapter of John’s Gospel, we see the large crowd that received Jesus’ miracle of the multiplication of loaves and fish now seeking him out, hoping for another miracle. But Jesus is pointing them to something greater than what they have experienced before. Just as they see a reminder of God feeding Israel with manna from heaven at Moses’ petition in the multiplication of loaves and fish, they are…read more

July 25, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Gospel this weekend begins a several-week continuation of the Gospel of John, chapter 6. This powerful chapter is often called the Bread of Life discourse. I recommend taking some time each week to read through the entire chapter and so allow our Lord’s words to really take root in your heart. We begin with the famous story of the feeding of the 5,000. A vast crowd has followed Jesus. We heard last weekend of how the heart of our Lord is moved with pity for those who are seeking Him, and this story…read more

July 18, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Over the course of a few days last week, I undeservedly received some powerful graces. It began on Thursday evening, when in the midst of Elsa’s rainfall, I had dinner with one of my high school religion teachers. He was one of the first people to ask me if I had ever considered the priesthood. Over a meal I had the chance to see the depth of his faith and receive some needed encouragement. It is over twenty years since I sat in his classroom and the student-teacher dynamic has evolved into a genuine…read more

July 11, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The radical simplicity of the mission Jesus gives to his disciples in the Gospel this weekend is powerful. They are sent out with the bare essentials for travel – a walking stick and sandals – and nothing else. To go and proclaim the Gospel requires no fancy equipment, no carefully crafted programs. Rather, our Lord gives the Apostles a share of his own divine authority over unclean, evil spirits, and they set out with his teachings on their lips to call those they meet away from sin and into a life of divine grace.…read more