From the Pastor's Desk - Archive

August 30, 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, When Jesus foretells His coming suffering and death, the Apostles are, naturally, shocked. Concern, fear, surprise – these are all rational, normal emotions to experience when someone suggests that some form of suffering is on the way. Peter’s response to this prophecy is to wish it were not true. No doubt, Peter believed he spoke in faith: “God forbid, Lord! No such thing shall ever happen to you!” So strong is His faith in Jesus as Messiah and Lord, that the concept of a gruesome death at the hands of persecutors is genuinely unthinkable.…read more

August 23, 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Peter’s confession of faith in Jesus as Christ and Messiah is a pivotal moment in the Gospel. It is on this confession of faith that Jesus will build His Church. The fundamental mission of the Church will always be to proclaim that the Christ has come, that a Savior has been given to us, that sin and death no longer have final sway over us, that we have a reason for hope. This confession of faith then, is vital. The one who makes the confession, Peter, is now charged in a special way, with…read more

August 16, 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Gospel story of the Canaanite woman approaching Jesus in faith to ask for the healing of her daughter is filled with beautiful lessons and profound statements and symbolism. Our modern ears, however, may be taken aback by the language and in that initial shock fail to recognize the full depth of the events recounted. Acknowledging that, it is worthwhile to engage the text and history so that we can fully grasp the import of this text. First, a look at the immediate context for this encounter is important. The fourteenth chapter of Matthew’s…read more

August 9, 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Now that we have been able to hold public Mass indoors for a little over a month and things seem to be going as well as could be hoped, we do well to reflect on what it means for us as Catholics to attend Mass, to receive the Eucharist, and to do all this while taking the necessary precautions against the coronavirus. To begin, then, a reminder that following the CDC guidelines, especially for those who are most at risk, should remain a guiding principle in our choice of daily activities, including attending Mass…read more